Saturday, October 31, 2009
Contest Contest Contest
I know that not all of you are interested in submitting your work into contests but I found this one with Smithsonian Magazine and thought it looked pretty neat and possibly rewarding! You should all check it out. Good luck!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Masters of Photography
I found this video and thought that it was pretty neat to look at. The photographers are awesome an the images are even better!
Yay or Nay?
Here's an interesting article for you to read up on. "Small Cameras, Big Sensors, Serious Challenges." What do you think? Are these cameras worth the hassle?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tim Harman
'Tis the Season
Holiday Portrait set-up is in full swing! Things have been a bit hectic the past few days in the studio building the set and starting to get things prepared in the few weeks we have. I took a trip to Home Depot this morning with Deanna, Rebekah, and Kala to pick up supplies that they have generously donated to us in order for our set to looks it's best. Next time you're there be sure to thank them for everything that I have done to help us out. Without them we'd have nearly no supplies. Keep up the great work everyone! I know this set will rock when we're finished!
Happy Birthday!

I got finished with my Child Portraits just in time for Dylan's 1st birthday tomorrow! He and I share the same birthday so it was a nice little treat to get to do a photo shoot with him today. He did better than I could have ever asked him to and the pictures turned out great. I have some awesome ones of him enjoying the cake! Happy Birthday!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ah, the joys of the Pinhole Camera.

For the Lower Quarter Students in photography at Gwinnett Tech, it's Pinhole time! This is where they have to make their own camera using simple supplies. The sky is the limit as long as the container stays light tight in order to get an exposure. I came across a pretty neat one the other day made by Allison Evans. Check it out.
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whatever we're doing is working!
I'm not one to Google my name but as I was reading some other blogs, laying in bed with Bronchitis, I sawthat a lot of people have started to see where their name falls on the Google totem poll. I gave it a shot and I am the first one on the list! Woo! I guess that means this little web of ours is working. Keep up the great work guys! We're all in this to help each other.
Friday, October 23, 2009
A true example of photojournalism

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tilt Shift. Wow!
This is crazy! This video was made with a tilt shift lens for Disney's Magic Kingdom a few years ago. It took place from sun up to sun down. I can't even begin to imagine how many photos that was! It's awesome though.
Where it all got started...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
GTC Holiday Portraits
It's about that time again for the holidays and you know what that means, HOLIDAY PORTRAITS! We are working really hard to make this years set look awesome so I hope everyone can come out and support us and help raise money for our portfolio show next year! Plus, who can resist a cute kid in a Christmas sweater?
"All things are photographable" -Gary Winogrand

Winogrand is by far one of my favorite photographers of all time. His fearless approach or capture a moment is incredible! Most of his work had a photojournalistic style and often times he took and environmental approach to his subjects. I envy him, truly.

Photo Walk time! Jayne and I had the opportunity to do a few of these with last years Upper Quarter and I have decided to start doing them with this years Lower Quarter. We're pretty excited about it and so is Lower Quarter. We aren't sure on the location yet but we're working on it. If you have ideas throw them my way!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Time!

Monday, October 19, 2009
The "Holy Grail of cameras"

Cruise Cruise Cruise

Home sweet home! The cruise was amazing to say the least. I got some great pictures of the beautiful scenery as well as the very different cultures. There will be more photos to come. You should go check out Rebekahs blog for fun stuff too!

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Prison Day Fun

Friday, October 9, 2009

There are tons of events going on thru the end of october I believe. It's nice to know that we, as photographers, and the work that we do gets "celebrated" and noticed...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Day In The Life
Some of you know that it is my dream to go to Africa one day as a photographer. I was looking at some photos and such online today and came across a website involving a project called "A Day In The Life of Africa." It's the largest photography event in history and it's amazing! It's 100 photographers documenting a day in the life of Africa as they see it. The different perspectives are insane, not to mention that the pictures are incredible. Yet another reason why I want to go there!

There are some pretty awesome photographers linked with the project. Go check it out!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pet Portraits!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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